The 1st Women Surgeons of Kuwait & the Women Surgeons of the Gulf Conference 2019 Recommendations
The Women Surgeons Committee with pioneer women surgeons from Kuwait, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,
Bahrain, Oman & Qatar have discussed the status of women in surgery in the region & have reached the
following five recommendation statements:
- We are committed to supporting women surgeons in the Gulf countries, in establishing theirown committees or associations, with the intent that these organizations represent & advocate
for their best interests, whilst complying with local laws & regulations.
The WSC & women surgeons in the Gulf, once their committees/associations are founded, will
collaborate in:
- Creating contacts registry to enhance communication.
- Academic, professional & wellbeing events & opportunities.
- Leadership, mentorship & development programs.
- Recruiting women into these roles & programs.
- Education & Research.
- Founding an association to represent & support women surgeons in the Gulf.
- The WSC encourages women in surgery to seek professional international opportunities through
affiliation with International organizations such as the American College of Surgeons, the
Association of Women Surgeons, the Royal College of England & others as these provide
professional & personal developmental opportunities.
- The WSK appeals to the governmental & the private sectors to support, empower & recruit
women in the medical & surgical fields and empower their leadership through investment in
professional training & through implementation of institutional & cultural changes that ensure
equity in the medical profession.
- The Second Women Surgeons of the Gulf Conference will be held in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
in 2020.
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